Ethnic Videos Dallas
What you need to know about African-American eyebrow transplants
African-American Hair Transplant Series Part 4: What happened to her hair?
How do I approach African-American male hair transplants?
African-American Hair 2: Poor Density Strategies
African-American Hair Transplant Series:What’s the problem here?
Beard to beard FUE and scalp to eyebrow FUE hair transplant
What’s wrong with this photo?
Listen to this awesome testimonial about his hair transplant experience and results with Dr. Lam!
Chronic Pain, Bad Scarring, Poor Density Fixed with FUE/FUT Combo + Botox
What is a Beard-To-Beard Transplant?
African-American Eyebrow Transplant 1 Day After
Indo-Pakistani Hair Transplant Testimonial with Photos 1 Year Out
African-American Eyebrow Transplants: What to Know About Them
African-American FUE Hair Transplant One Day After Testimonial
Female Hair Transplant One Day Out Testimonial
Beard FUE Salvage Hair Transplant in Dallas, Texas Testimonial
Dallas African-American Hair Transplant One Day Out
Dallas Hair Loss Treatment/Topical Finasteride Testimonial
Dallas Traction Alopecia Hair Transplant VIrtual Consult
Dallas FUE Hair Transplant Testimonial with Photos
Dallas FUE Hair Transplant Testimonial One Day Out
Dallas Ethnic Female Hair Transplant Testimonial
Dallas African-American Hair Transplant Testimonial One Day Out
Dallas Asian Female Hair Transplant Close-Up
Dallas Female Hair Restoration Before and After
Dallas Female Hair Transplant Before and After
Dallas Beard Hair Transplant Testimonial for Scar Repair
Dallas Eyebrow Hair Transplant and Hairline Transplant for Traction Alopecia
Dallas Eyebrow and Traction Alopecia Hair Transplant Results
Dallas African-American Eyebrow & Hairline Transplant 2 Weeks Out