Vlogs: Video Blogs
Graft quality control: the hair curl
Temporal a point, hairline correction for a bad facelift and male pattern baldness
One day out from hair transplant
Does showering worsen hair loss?
Close-up comb through video of Asian female hairline lowering transplant 5 years after
Does diet and obesity affect hair loss?
Story of the Week
6 Months Out Hair Transplant Testimonial with Photos
Does smoking affect hair loss?
What’s going on with Sylvester Stallone’s hairline?
5 years out from eyebrow transplant!
Is hair loss your mother’s father’s fault?
Is sweating after a hair transplant safe?
Do hats cause hair loss?
Is this female pattern hair loss?
One Year after Revision Beard-To-Beard FUE Hair Transplant
What caused this hairline?
Male pattern baldness in women
Four Years After Close-Up, Comb-Through Hair Transplant Result for Indian Patient in Dallas, Texas
Closeup Hair Transplant Result front to back in Dallas, Texas
One day out from female hairline lowering
Deleted video
Some info about Female Eyebrow Transplants
How successful is treating Traction Alopecia?
“Compass Floris”, Oil on Canvas, 48 x 48, by Dr. Sam Lam
Hair Transplant and Chronic Pain Testimonial One Day Out
One day out from FUE hair transplant
Christmas Tree Hair Loss
Actual recipient design for female hairline
Designing a female hairline