Hair Restoration Blog Dallas
Defining The Three Central Scalp Zones and Their Importance
Published on December 12, 2011 byWhen I strategize to rebuild the head with transplanted grafts, I think globally and I think specifically. Thinking globally refers to how I distribute my grafts over a wide area of balding scalp based on priority. Thinking specifically means how do I think about smaller regions of the scalp for hair restoration. This blog article […]
Hair Transplant For The Crown Part 3: Understanding The Regions Of The Crown
Published on May 14, 2011 byThis brief article will discuss the regions of the crown and why they are important when designing a crown for hair transplantation. The crown can be divided into three geographic zones that run like bands across the scalp: the vertex transition zone, or vertex transition point; the upper arc; and the lower arc. The vertex […]
Vertex Transition Zone: Why It is Important and What Does it Mean
Published on April 14, 2011 byThe vertex transition zone (VTZ), or vertex transition point, can also be thought of as the posterior “hairline” in that it forms the transition from the flat, horizontal midscalp and the vertical plane of the crown. As a reminder, the anterior hairline, or hairline, is formed at the intersection of the forehead and the horizontal […]